Super Unemployment Fund – security in life’s changes
Super Unemployment Fund – security in life’s changes. We look after you while you take care of others.
Processing of applications
13.03.2022 | First-time applications
20.03.2022 | Follow-up applications
13.03.2022 | Follow-up applications for adjusted allowance
We process applications in the order they arrive. If information is missing from the application, the employee handling your case will contact you by text message, mail or via the messaging function in Nettikassa.
Updated at 22.03.2022
Latest news
If you want to lower your tax rate for 2025, request now for a new tax card for benefits
If you receive daily allowance from Super unempoyment fund It’s worth ordering a revised tax card for the benefit.

You can send all applications and other documents to the fund in Nettikassa. Nettikassa is the fastest and most secure way to send your applications and documents to the fund.

Earnings related allowance
You can receive earnings-related daily allowance if you are unemployed, temporarily laid off or employed part-time

Mobility allowance
Mobility allowance compensates your commuting costs and the costs of training related to your employment relationship.

Transition security
Are you 55+ years old? Have you been dismissed due to production-related or financial reasons? You might be eligible for a transition security allowance, training and additional leave.

Super Unemployment Fund is open to employees. By joining the fund, you secure your livelihood during unemployment or temporary lay-off. You can be a member of the unemployment fund through your union or as an unaffiliated member. Super Unemployment Fund’s fee for unaffiliated members is 7 € per month.

Legislative changes in 2024
The Government is planning major cuts to unemployment security that will affect everyone who receives unemployment allowance.
According to the Government Programme, the legislative reforms and cuts would enter into force in 2024. In other words, the reforms and cuts agreed in the Government Programme are not yet in effect. They may change, and some may not be put into effect at all.